
Symposium Cracoviense, a PCO with over 26 years of experience in the Polish market, has been awarded the prestigious Green Meetings Bronze Award certificate. This is a unique achievement, as the company is the only Polish company to have won this international recognition for its commitment to sustainability.
The Green Meetings Bronze Award certificate, awarded by Green Tourism - the world's largest sustainability accreditation programme for the tourism and hospitality sector - is important evidence that Symposium Cracoviense implements and promotes the highest environmental standards in the meetings and events industry. The award is valid for three years and is a testimonial to the company's ongoing commitment to caring for the planet, society and the future of the industry.
Green Meetings is an innovative certification programme, launched in 2021 by Green Tourism, dedicated exclusively to the meetings and events industry. The process of earning this certification requires a comprehensive audit and assessment of a company's operations against internationally recognised standards that are in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. This certification is independently verified by experts who have a keen understanding of the challenges facing the tourism and hospitality industry. The company's activities are assessed in the areas of: Communication and Awareness, Community, Health and Wellbeing, Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity, F&B, Biodiversity, Energy and Water, Waste, CO2 emissions and Chemicals.
Receiving the Green Meetings Bronze Award highlights that sustainability is an integral part of Symposium Cracoviense's activities. The company engages in practices that not only contribute to environmental protection, but also enhance its reputation, deliver cost savings and provide a competitive advantage.
Green Tourism, part of Symposium Cracoviense's DNA, promotes a greener approach to business by offering members advice and support on sustainability best practices, from ethical purchasing to efficient management of energy consumption.
‘Symposium Cracoviense winning the Green Meetings Bronze Award certification is not only something to be proud of, but also a commitment to continue promoting and implementing sustainability measures, key aspects of which include environmental protection, social justice and economic growth,’ said Anna Jędrocha, CEO of Symposium Cracoviense.

During the world's largest conference of heritage scholars affiliated with the Association of Critical Heritage Studies (ACHS), held June 3-6, 2023 in Galway, Ireland, it was decided that the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies at the University of Warsaw (including the new UNESCO Chair for Public and Global Processes of Managing Intangible Cultural Heritage) will host the ACHS conference in 2028.
The ACHS conference, held biennially in various locations around the world, attracts some 600 delegates from around the globe and has never yet taken place in Poland. ACHS is a network of scholars and researchers working in the broad and interdisciplinary field of critical heritage. One of the ACHS research groups, the Intangible Heritage (ICH) Researchers Network, was coordinated for four years by Dr. Hanna Schreiber of the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies at the University of Warsaw, now also head of the aforementioned UNESCO Chair.
Efforts to secure the rights to host the ACHS conference began in 2022, when Symposium Cracoviense presented the proposal to the University of Warsaw. The first attempt to hold the conference in Poland in 2026 failed, but after the bid was refined, efforts were renewed and succeeded this year. During the General Assembly of ACHS members, Warsaw's candidacy was presented by a strong Polish delegation consisting of Dr. Hanna Schreiber (UNESCO Chair / Faculty of Political Science and International Studies, UW), Andrzej Jakubowski (Polish Academy of Sciences), Monika Stobiecka (Faculty of Artes Liberales, University of Warsaw, member of the UNESCO Chair team) and Paweł Mrowinski (Promotion Office of the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies, UW).
Dr. Hanna Schreiber said: “This year's conference was a great opportunity for our entire team to participate in many heated discussions on the latest challenges in heritage studies and to celebrate the recent achievements of many friendly scholars, not only in the field of critical heritage studies, but also in related areas such as international heritage law and common goods research. We are delighted and proud that this prestigious event will be held in Warsaw.”
The Warsaw conference will be organized by Symposium Cracoviense, and efforts to bring the event to Poland were supported by the Warsaw Tourist Organization/Warsaw Convention Bureau and the Polish Tourist Organization/Poland Convention Bureau.
Author: Anna Górska

ECAI, or the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, is undoubtedly one of the most important events in the field of artificial intelligence in Europe and the world. Organized for more than 40 years by the European AI Association (EurAI), the conference is a meeting place for leading scientists and experts in the field.
The ECAI conference is organized periodically by national AI associations in Europe. Last year, the Polish Association of Artificial Intelligence (PSSI) won the competition to organize this prestigious event. In October, ECAI will come to Poland for the first time, to Krakow. Given the traveling nature of the conference, this is a unique opportunity for the Polish scientific and business community.
The conference, whose committee is headed by Prof. Ann Nowe (Vrije Universiteit Brussels), received nearly 2,000 submissions from 58 countries and six continents. This year's program committee, coordinated by Prof. Kobi Gal (Ben Gurion University, University of Edinburgh), includes more than 2,600 scientists from around the world. The organizers expect more than 1,000 participants from around the world. The conference will consist of a series of events. On 30.09-01.10 on the campus of the Jagiellonian University, in the buildings of the departments of Physics (WFAIS) and Mathematics (WMiI), 30 workshop and tutorial sessions will be held to accompany the sessions for young scientists including PhD students. The main part of the conference, will begin on the evening of 1.10 and planned for three consecutive days 2-4.10, and will be held at Krakow's modern ICE Conference Center overlooking Wawel Hill. The organizing committee of ECAI2023 is headed by Prof. Grzegorz J. Nalepa (President of PSSI, Professor at WFAIS UJ), and includes Pro Dean Pawel Wegrzyn (WFAIS UJ), Prof. Adam Roman (WMI UJ) and Dr. Krzysztof Kutt (Secretary of PSSI, WFAIS UJ).
In addition to paper presentations, the scientific program includes five invited lectures. An important highlight of the program will be an industrial session organized in cooperation with the Krakow Technology Park. The sponsors, 11 companies developing and using AI-based technologies, will present their solutions, and speak during panel discussions.
The ECAI 2023 conference has received very significant organizational support from the Mayor of Krakow and Jagiellonian University. The Krakow Technology Park and AGH University of Science and Technology are also involved in the organization. Numerous important universities and organizations, including the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, KI-PAN, Poznan University of Technology, Wroclaw University of Economics and many others, have assumed scientific patronage of the event.
The opening session of the conference will be honored by the presence of the pro-rectors of Jagiellonian University.
The conference is organized by Symposium Cracoviense, a PCO for 25 years engaged in comprehensive organization and service of scientific and business meetings throughout Poland.
For more information on the conference, visit the official ECAI 2023 website.

At this year's IMEX, held May 23-25 in Frankfurt, the International Congress and Conference Association ICCA announced its digital transformation. It held the launch of an enhanced ICCA database and association website, created in cooperation with technology partner Simpleview.
Association meetings database
ICCA's world-renowned database of association meetings rotating between at least three countries, with a minimum of 50 participants and held periodically will now function as ICCA Business Intelligence. The ICCA database has always been an indispensable source of information and a tool for sourcing international meetings. Today it provides analysis and intelligence on international associations, creating many more business opportunities for its members. The original database was a combination of several platforms. Today, it is more balanced, offering:
Improved integration - more efficient data management,
Modern user interface - more intuitive functionality, making it easier to find new business leads,
Meeting search tools - it is now possible to customize and save more detailed search criteria
New notification system - each saved search will generate an automatic alert when new leads are added to the database or when a new search query is opened for a selected region
New recommendation mechanism - intelligent intelligence that goes beyond user searches and reads pattern recognition and data analysis to predict the best possible matches for a specific destination.
The ICCA website is a portal for meetings professionals who want to learn more about ICCA. The new website offers a more user-friendly experience, with a particular focus on promoting how it can share what it does to support and promote the international community on a global, regional and local level. The changes to the operational site mean that the ICCA team today can easily update and add relevant information about events, news, industry news, sponsorship and promotional opportunities. It also clearly defines the association's values, global reach and explains the many benefits ICCA membership brings to associations and meetings professionals.
In the fall of 2023, ICCA will announce the creation of an additional database that will include information on rotating (inter)government meetings. This is a very exciting development and ICCA believes that by revealing this information, it can provide members with more sustainable business opportunities.
ICCA's databases are only available to Association members. ICCA also continues to manage and make available an extensive archive of official documents, articles, insights and information, mostly to non-members.
Author: Anna Gorska

The International Alzheimer's Disease Conference will be held in Krakow, Poland for the first time on April 24-26, 2024, with an average of 1,200 onsite and online participants from more than 120 countries. The conference has been attracted to our country by the Polish Association for Assistance to People with Alzheimer's Disease, supported by Symposium Cracoviense.
Alzheimer's Disease International (ADI) is an international federation, supporting and working with Alzheimer's and dementia associations, as well as people living with dementia, caregivers and all relevant organizations, to help raise awareness, oppose stigma and call for dementia to be recognized as the global health priority it should be. ADI also works with the World Health Organization.
The federation was founded in 1984 by Alzheimer's associations in the US, UK, Australia and Canada. It has more than 100 members, usually one in each country. In Poland, the Polish Association for People with Alzheimer's Disease, based in Warsaw, is a member. President of the Polish Association, Zbigniew Tomczak said, "I am proud that we can co-organize this prestigious conference for the first time in Poland. We firmly believe that this is a tremendous opportunity to share knowledge and experience between people with dementia, policy makers and healthcare professionals and caregivers. I look forward to welcoming conference participants to Krakow in 2024."
ADI organizes the conference every two years. This unique multidisciplinary event brings together researchers, healthcare professionals and physicians, people with dementia, family caregivers, researchers, staff and volunteers of Alzheimer's and dementia associations.
With a high standard of diverse scientific and non-scientific content, the ADI 2024 conference program will focus on the seven action areas of the World Health Organization's (WHO) Global Dementia Action Plan, which revolves around policy, awareness, prevention and diagnosis, research, care and treatment. The conference will bring together experts from around the world to share the latest innovations and best practices in dementia research, care and policy, as well as discuss how we can continue to come together and challenge the perceptions and stigma that still surround dementia.
Each time, the event leaves a positive footprint and legacy in the place where it is held. The conference has never yet been held in Poland. Poland won the rights to host the event the second time around. and efforts initiated by Symposium Cracoviense began in 2018. Anna Gorska, Board Advisor at Symposium Cracoviense, said: "We supported the Polish Association at every stage of applying for the event, from helping to prepare the first application to organizing the inspection visit.  I am glad that our goal has been achieved and this prestigious conference will be held in Poland. This is our joint success." The competition application in the form of letters was also supported by the Polish Tourist Organization and the Warsaw Convention Bureau.
On March 13-15, 2023. an inspection visit to Poland took place with Paola Barbarino, ADI CEO, and Jane Cziborra, Head of Events. The ladies inspected the capabilities of venues in Warsaw and Krakow. After the visit, the decision was made to hold the event in Krakow.
Author: Anna Górska

Wunderman Thompson's annual forecast 'The Future 100: 2023' has been released, which identifies 100 trends in various industries. I have selected three that I believe connect with business events. These are 'Ageless Play', Absurdist Stays and 'Metatravel'.
"The Future 100: 2023" is an annual forecast by creative, consulting and technology agency Wunderman Thompson that identifies 100 trends across industries - from culture to technology to travel and hospitality - that will shape the way we live and work this year and beyond.
"AGELESS PLAY" (Fun at any age) - one trend to keep on the radar in the coming year - says that despite the ongoing economic and environmental crises, people are choosing joy.
The pursuit of joy and fun runs throughout this edition of The Future 100: 2023. According to the authors, this year will be full of an unbridled and powerful surge of energy that will arm people with hope, joy and happiness in still uncertain times.  
On the upswing is 'joyconomy', a movement about enthusiasm and positive thinking. Brands are offering bold colour palettes, uninhibited fun for all ages, and movement activities that lift mood and heart rate. Given the events of the past three years, this is not much of a surprise. But the trend of people of all ages appreciating the importance of play deserves to be treated as more than just a temporary response to painful challenges, so it should continue.
"ABSURDIST STAYS" (Absurd Stays) - Travellers are looking for innovative and memorable stays that are equal parts bizarre and fun and have a 'WOW' effect.
By the summer of 2023, travellers will have the opportunity to stay in a floating avocado in Chile, a giant flowerpot in the US or a blooming pink flower in Mexico. These are just some of the projects that have been selected by Airbnb as part of the 2022 OMG! Fund, to which the company has donated $10 million. This is in response to the growing demand for quirky and unusual stays. It is intended to be something unusual, never-before-seen, that is rare and beautiful, which will impress every person.
"METATRAVEL" - The Metaverse is revolutionising the traveller experience, where physical journeys begin to blur with fantastical virtual worlds.
Entering the world of augmented reality (AR), Moxy Hotels, part of Marriott International, launched Moxy Universe, Play Beyond AR 2022, in July. The experience allowed visitors to create their own avatars in the Moxy Universe, which moved from digital to physical hotels. The avatars were able to accompany guests over a drink in the hotel bar, in private hotel rooms and even while exercising in the gym. The experience was available at 12 Moxy hotels in the Asia-Pacific region from July to December 2022
Hotel brands are meeting the expectations of metatourists. As the metaverse evolves from a science-fiction concept into reality, every industry, will feel its impact.
Author: Anna Gorska

Cooperation, commitment and consistency are the themes of the "Roadmap for the Events Industry How to Achieve NET Zero* Carbon Events" (A Net Zero Roadmap for the Events Industry) published at the United Nations COP27 Conference in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt this November.  The Net Zero Carbon Events initiative was established in August 2021 and is currently supported by more than 400 organizations from 55 countries. Its goal is to achieve Net Zero by 2050 at the latest.
There is a lot of talk about climate change and the negative impact of human activities on the planet and the need to make changes here and now. The event sector is also responding and creating a guide based on which any company, large or small, can create its own plan aimed at reducing carbon emissions, as every event leaves a carbon footprint and generates different carbon emissions, whether it is an international conference or a corporate party.
The meetings industry sector is a complex network of stakeholders, all of whom will need to work to reduce carbon emissions, and this is where collaboration, commitment, consistency in action and also systemic change are essential. It is not enough for a single organization or group of organizations to take steps toward decarbonization. It is necessary to rethink the way we plan, design and organize our events. You can start doing this today by starting small and charting a path for your organization based on the guidance posted in Road to Net Zero.
The guidance is for use by individual companies and focuses on organizers, venues and service providers, and takes into account that there is no one way for all organizations, as it depends on the stage they are at and the environment in which they operate. It is also assumed that the primary goal is to decarbonize the in-person participation element of the event and not to propose digital or hybrid events as a solution.
The guide identifies the following five priority areas for action:
Power events efficiently with clean, renewable energy
Redesign events to use sustainable materials and avoid waste
Source food sustainably and eliminate food waste
Logistics - move goods and equipment efficiently
Work with and influence travel industry partners to reduce emissions when traveling to events.
The Roadmap to 2050 is broken down into shorter timelines to inspire preemptive action before zero carbon and help the event industry organize more sustainable events. This roadmap is available as a full report with comprehensive information on implementing actions to achieve net zero. It also includes specific case studies and also ways to measure and evaluate the results of actions taken.
The plan is to download here.
*Net zero refers to the balance between man-made greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and their removal from the atmosphere. To achieve this balance, GHG emissions must be reduced and those that cannot be avoided must be offset or "neutralized" through long-term carbon capture solutions.
Author: Anna Górska

Symposium Cracoviense, PCO, which has been on the Polish market since 1998, was the local coordinator of the ICCA International Congress and Convention Association congress, an event that annually brings together meeting industry professionals from around the world and which was held for the first time in Poland, November 6-9, 2022 in Krakow, Poland. This year's ICCA congress features more than 900 delegates from 80 countries, 65 international associations, 45 interactive sessions, a Hologram keynote speaker and 104 speakers.
Educational sessions focused on four key pillars: diversity, inclusion, heritage and sustainability. This was one of ICCA's most sustainable congresses, where the carbon footprint was measured.
This year's congress also included a Young Professionals Forum, ICCA Innovation Challenge and ICCA Challenge Night. During the congress, Symposium Cracoviense also held meetings with students at three Krakow universities.
Anna Jędrocha, President of Symposium Cracoviense said: "The production of the event is at the highest level in terms of both content and innovative solutions, and the presence of the most experienced professionals in the field of organizing international congresses is not only a great opportunity for the Polish industry, but also a great challenge to meet their expectations.".
Symposium Cracoviense has been an active member of ICCA for years. It has also participated from the very beginning in the efforts to get the event to Krakow, and Anna Gorska, a Board Advisor at the company, serves as an ICCA Board Member, representing the Meetings Management sector.

Recent tragic events around the world, such as the conflict in Israel and the war in Ukraine, have forced me to reflect on the role and potential of the event industry in promoting peace and conflict resolution on a global scale. In the face of these events, our voice becomes a tool to create a better future and influence society in a positive way.
The concept of peace often seems distant and abstract, but it becomes real when we realize that it is formed in our daily human interactions, minute by minute. It is in the business, sports and cultural events that take place every day that the great power to influence the peace-building process lies. The events industry not only organizes events, but also builds relationships, creates communities, promotes inclusion and understanding, and therefore has the potential to use its voice to create sustainable events and ultimately world peace.
Here are some practical examples of how we can use our position in the event industry to promote peace:
  1. Promoting intercultural dialogue: Creating platforms where representatives of different cultures and faiths can meet, share their experiences and have open conversations which is a key aspect of building understanding and agreement.
  2. Education for peace: Organizing workshops and trainings that help participants understand the nature of conflicts and methods of conflict resolution and this is part of building the skills necessary to create a more peaceful world.
  3. Social campaigns and activism: Using one's position and communication skills to promote social campaigns for peace and support NGOs working for conflict resolution.
  4. Working with the media and civil society: Work with the media to promote information about conflicts, their causes and possible solutions, and support civil society activities involved in peace processes.
  5. International engagement: Working with international organizations, such as the UN, ICCA and MPI, to promote conflict solutions and work for peace on a global scale.
  6. Use of technology: Using modern technology such as online platforms to organize events and promote peace messages which enables us to reach a wider audience and shape opinions on peace.
Our role as event professionals is to use our voice, contacts and skills to promote peace, dialogue and understanding between different groups in society. Through organizing events and social activism, we can contribute to creating a more peaceful and harmonious world. Our voice matters, and the events industry can become a driving force in building peace in the world.
Author: Anna Gorska, Advisor to the Board of Symposium Cracoviense, ICCA Board Member, Vice President of the Board of SKKP

Cvent, the industry's leading provider of technology for meetings, events and hospitality, has released the latest installment of its Cvent Travel Managers Report: Europe Edition, which provides hotels, venues and destinations with in-depth insight into trends and activities related to corporate travel acquisition.
The report shows that the vast majority of respondents (80%) have a positive view of the state of their organization's business travel activities. Among them, nearly two-thirds (64%) expect the number of trips in their organization to increase in 2023 compared to 2022, and nearly one-fifth (19%) say the increase will be significant.
While increased travel means increased spending, minimizing costs is still a priority. Sixty-five percent of respondents said rising costs are their main concern. This figure rises to 73% for travel managers in both France and the UK. Most aspects of business travel are subject to inflationary increases, with nearly 30% of respondents expecting the largest increase in ground transportation costs. Hotel rooms; travel costs; insurance and security; technology expenses and visas are other areas of greatest concern when it comes to rising costs.
As costs challenge organizations, corporate travel managers are finding new and creative ways to reduce expenses. The most important of these tactics (40%) is the desire to combine business travel with existing meetings and events that their teams are already scheduled to attend. In addition, 37% of business travel managers (up from 32% in the December 2022 report) say they plan to reduce the number of traveling colleagues; in France, this percentage rises to 43%. While the number of travelers may be reduced, the overall number of trips is likely to continue to grow.
Other important points from the report
Continued evolution of factors influencing hotel and venue booking decisions
Aside from cost, the biggest influences on travel managers' decisions to book hotels and venues are proximity to corporate headquarters (37%), flexibility of terms and conditions (35%), ease of access and familiarity with the destination (both 26%). Travel decision makers are also looking for quick answers and prioritize hotels that demonstrate effective use of technology during the RFP process.
Sustainability remains top of mind
Twenty-six percent of corporate travel managers believe that a greater focus on sustainability will shape their priorities over the next two years. In addition, nearly one-third (29%) of respondents are actively seeking out content and features related to sustainability initiatives at hotels and properties.
Changes in sourcing process and priorities
When asked how their approach to hotel sourcing has changed since 2019, 33% of respondents said they are spending more time searching for hotels using technology. In addition, 28% are looking for hotels that offer virtual and hybrid meeting technology.
The full report is available here -
Author: Anna Gorska

As many as 110 participants from 14 countries attended the annual meeting of members of ICCA's two branches, Central Europe and France and Benelux, which took place April 23-25, 2023. was held in Strasbourg, France. Aptly named the "Beyond Borders" meeting, the conference consisted of speeches, workshops, panel discussions and a tour of the European Parliament and the main facilities in Strasbourg. The meeting was attended by a strong representation from Poland, consisting of Malgorzata Przygórska-Skowron from the Krakow Convention Bureau and Anna Jędrocha and Anna Gorska from Symposium Cracoviense.
The event, entitled "Inspiration for Transformation," was led by Kai Troll, founder and president of ASSOCIATIONWORLD. The slogan of the event perfectly captured the essence of the event - in order to move forward and make progress, it is necessary to constantly transform and reevaluate traditional business practices. The program itself exemplified this, introducing innovative ways to engage the audience, including a meeting with Aziz Shokhakimov, the talented conductor of the Strasbourg Philharmonic, and a presentation by Bugatti of Alsace, which showed that anything is possible with a clear vision.
Another highlight was certainly the speech by Cedric Dumont, a very experienced skydiver and BASE jumper with more than 20,000 jumps and many world records to his credit, who spoke about the importance of getting out of one's comfort zone and overcoming fear to achieve triumph. He also stressed the value of preparation and planning in extreme sports and the importance of learning from one's mistakes. "The most important thing in any adventure is not what you achieve, but who you become," - he said, emphasizing his belief that the journey is as important as the destination, and that personal development is a key ingredient in any great adventure.
Other speeches covered a wide range of topics, including the current state of the meetings industry, the importance of sustainability in event planning, and the impact of technology on meetings and events.
Malgorzata Przygórska-Skowron, Head of the Krakow Convnention Bureau, and Anna Gorska, Board Advisor at Symposium Cracoviense and ICCA Board Member, took part in a panel discussion entitled Creating Impactful Events. Malgorzata Przygórska-Skowron presented a case study of the ICCA congress held in Krakow on 6-9/11/2022, focusing on the positive impact of the event on the country, the Polish industry, the community and the city itself. Among the positive results achieved as a result of holding the congress in Krakow, she included solidarity with Poland and Ukraine, exceptional cooperation between partners, the demonstration of the city's potential, the sustainability report prepared based on it, and new congresses to be held in the city in the future. One of these congresses is the Alzheimer's Disease International Conference, which will be held in April.
Anna Gorska talked about the event, presenting the legacy and assumed positive effects of its organization such as the creation of a National Plan for Alzheimer's Disease, the involvement of volunteers both young and senior citizens in the event and training them to serve people with dementia, and a public awareness campaign about the disease.
An interesting case study was presented by Erica Fawer, Sustainability Integration Director at MCI Group, who talked about ESCRS2022, the 40th Congress of the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery. This event made history for the first time by putting sustainability at the forefront of its flagship event. "ESCRS2022 integrated sustainability into every aspect of the event, from site selection and waste management to transportation and community engagement. The goal was to create a more sustainable event that would not only reduce its environmental impact, but also provide a positive social and economic legacy for the host city and its residents," she said, calling on associations to do the same and encouraging vendors in attendance to help them achieve it.
The city of Strasbourg was aptly chosen to host this year's ICCA conference, where there is a strong emphasis on sustainability and which has a reputation as the most bicycle-friendly city in France, as well as having the largest streetcar system in the country.
The entire conference provided a valuable forum for attendees to interact, share experiences and insights, and learn about the latest trends and best practices in the business events industry. The next meeting of ICCA's European chapters will already take place during the upcoming IMEX in Frankfurt.
Author: Anna Gorska

A dose of inspiration. In telegraphic shorthand, some examples of what destinations and organisations are doing to decarbonise and make tourism more responsible in the face of climate disruption and COVID-19.
Colorado electrifies its scenic roads. All 26 scenic and historic routes in Colorado will soon be equipped with charging stations to enable low-carbon travel on some of the state's most iconic destinations.
France will ban some domestic flights where rail connections are available. The French government has decided to limit the number of short-haul flights.
Ljubljana has a centre with a car-free zone, easy public access to green spaces and developed beekeeping, demonstrating the city's commitment to sustainable development. The city was awarded the title of European Green Capital in 2016 and appears on the Sustainable Top 100 Destinations list.
Tasmania will become a carbon neutral place by 2025. Tasmania's Premier has announced plans to help rebuild tourism, including a target of carbon neutrality by 2025. To help achieve this, the government is offering funding to tourism operators to complete a carbon audit of their operations.
Visit Omaha's Rent for Recovery programme. Visit Omaha is giving up rented office space and will instead rent conference space on a weekly basis "to support the businesses most affected by the pandemic".
Sleeper trains are returning to Europe. As demand for sustainable overnight travel increases, train routes are gaining momentum in continental Europe. There is also an ambition to build a new sleeper train service through the Channel Tunnel between the UK and France.
Valencia in Spain has committed to becoming carbon neutral by 2025, becoming the first global destination to verify the carbon footprint calculation of its tourism activities in addition to the water footprint calculation.
Visit Norway's National Tourism Strategy 2023 includes, among other things, the development of a 'climasmart' calculator to help destinations and operators estimate the environmental impact of tourism and make significant emissions reductions based on these numbers.
Vanuatu Department of Tourism launches tourism business support programme. The Vanuatu Emergency Response Programme provides grants for tourism business survival, as well as grants for renewable energy and agritourism programmes.
Author: Anna Gorska

ICCA's emerging strategy for 2023-2025
Legacy, DEI, Sustainability and Business Focus - these are the main pillars of the ICCA Association's newly created strategic plan for 2023-2025.
The association's strategic plan for 2023-2025 was announced at the ICCA's annual congress, which took place in Krakow, Poland, from 6-9 November 2022. Due to global challenges, it was agreed that the plan will cover the next three years, rather than the previous five. This will provide ICCA with the flexibility to more effectively adapt its services to the changing needs of the industry post COVID-19.
In light of new trends affecting the industry and the need to deliver greater value to members, the plan has identified 3 main strategic objectives: These are:
1. Increase member benefits and services, including but not limited to:
  • Introducing at least one new member benefit per year with a clear and measurable return on investment
  • Expansion into international non-association events to increase the ICCA database and create potential business opportunities for members.
2. Regional expansion and membership growth through a selection of the following activities:
  • Development of independent regional strategies tailored to the needs of members in the region
  • Implementing a new membership model
  • Creation of new partnerships
3. ICCA - a proactive and sustainable organisation
  • Stimulate digital transformation activities.
  • Refresh the communications strategy to engage members and key stakeholders more effectively.
Based on the insights gained during the pandemic, 4 core pillars have also been developed around which the organisation's activities will be implemented. These are:
  • Legacy
  • Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
  • Sustainability
  • Business Focus
The plan is intended to serve as a working document for the ICCA management team and is intended to help guide the association's activities in the coming years. By making it available to members, the ICCA Executive Board invites you to share your thoughts, comments and feedback and looks forward to constructive discussions on the issues raised in it. This is to make sure that the ICCA is the organisation we all want and need.
Two Polish women, ICCA Board Members, Anna Gorska from Symposium Cracoviense, representing the 'Meetings Management' sector, and Marta Wiśniewska from LOT Polish Airlines, representing the 'Transport' sector, participated in the creation of the plan.
The agenda is available on the ICCA website.
Author: Anna Górska

Anna Gorska, who serves as Board Advisor to PCO Symposium Cracoviense, has been elected to the ICCA International Congress and Convention Association Board of Directors for another two-year term. There she will represent the Meetings Management sector together with Eyal Halevy of Paragon Group.
Symposium Cracoviense is a PCO that has existed on the Polish market for 24 years, dealing with the comprehensive organization and service of scientific and business meetings. The company's mission is to introduce and spread the principles of sustainable development in the organization of congresses. Anna Gorska has been with the company since 2019 and is responsible for relations with international associations.
ICCA is the world's most prominent meetings industry association, with the largest scope of research on the international association conference market. Member companies are divided into Branches based on geographic location and into Sectors based on the specifics of their business. Depending on the size of the Sector, it is chaired by one or two people.
Anna Gorska has been involved with ICCA for more than 15 years, representing companies from various sectors in the association over these years, first in Destination Marketing, then Facilities and now Meetings Management. From 2012 to 2018, she was also President of the ICCA Central Europe Branch.
ICCA's Board of Directors currently has 16 members. In the previous term, Anna Gorska was involved, among other things, in the creation of the ICCA strategy for 2023-2025, and actively lobbied for the organization of the ICCA Congress in Poland, which took place in Krakow on November 6-9, 2022. Symposium Cracoviense was a Local Partner of the Congress. In the next term, Anna Gorska will, among other things, be involved in the ICCA Board Marketing & Communication Work Group. Board meetings are usually held stationary twice a year, during IMEX and during the ICCA Congress. An additional meeting is planned for next year, in March.
The work at ICCA is of a social nature. Górska has been involved for years as a volunteer in Polish and international organizations related to the meetings industry. She is currently Vice President of International Affairs at SKKP, an Ambassador for Positive Events Impact and a member of the Association of Associations Executives. He also runs his own business, offering consulting and advisory services.

Thanks to the efforts of the Polish Society of Neurosurgeons, supported by Symposium Cracoviense, PCO, the annual congress of the European Association of Neurosurgical Societies EANS, which brings together more than 2,000 delegates from around the world, will be held for the first time in Poland in 2028.
The European Association of Neurosurgical Societies (EANS) is a non-governmental scientific association representing neurosurgeons from the European region. The association is both an independent federation of European national neurosurgical societies and a rapidly growing association of individual neurosurgeons from around the world.
EANS aims to improve the quality of neurosurgical patient care through training, education and research. A key way to achieve this goal is to enable the exchange of scientific information at the highest level through the organization of meetings, symposia and educational courses - EANS' flagship event is the annual Congress, bringing together European and world experts in neurosurgery each year.
The EANS Congress is held in a different European city every year and has never yet taken place in Poland, all the more reason why it is a success worth noting. The Polish Society of Neurosurgeons PTN has already tried several times to win the rights to organize this prestigious event to Poland, and in March this year the PTN General Board decided to make another attempt. In the process of acquiring the event to Poland, PTN was represented and actively participated by Prof. Radoslaw Rola, MD, of the Medical University of Lublin.
The Managing Director of EANS is Valentini Amarantidou, who attended this year's ICCA congress, held November 6-9 in Krakow, Poland. During the congress, a meeting was held with her and Professor Rola, also attended by Symposium Cracoviense President Anna Jedrocha, at which preliminary arrangements were made for the organization of the event. The 2028 EANS congress will be held at the ICE Krakow Congress Centre, and will be organized by PCO Symposium Cracoviense.
Author: Anna Gorska, Advisor to the Board of Directors of Symposium Cracoviense, Member of the Board of Directors of ICCA International Congress and Convention Association, Vice President of the Board of Directors of SKKP.